Financial Conduct Authority
In the UK, nearly all financial service activities must be authorised by the FCA. You can search the Financial Services Register (the Register) for firms and individuals, and the activities for which firms have permissions. Always check the firm you’re dealing with is listed on the Register. It lists all the firms and current or previously approved individuals involved with regulated activities. It shows whether a firm you’re using, or plan to use, is regulated by the PRA and/or the FCA. You can find out what they’re regulated to do and your protections when doing business with them. Make sure the firm you’re dealing with has permissions for the regulated activities you need. Always check that the permissions/activities of the firm match the service it’s providing for you. Only use the contact details listed on the Register. Many scammers pretend to be a legitimate firm. Use the contact details on the Register to confirm you’re dealing with the genuine firm before doing business with them. From later in 2020, under the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR), we’ll begin publishing and maintaining a directory of certified and assessed persons on the Register, so consumers and professionals can check the details of key individuals working in financial services. Firms can find out more about the addition of certified and approved persons data on the Register on our directory of certified and assessed persons page.